🚀Project Launches - Tech

The OGLONG platform introduces a revolutionary, decentralized process for token allocation and claiming within its ecosystem, focusing on projects incubated on the platform. This process relies on a bespoke verification algorithm that scrutinizes Bitcoin Ordinals to authenticate eligibility, ensuring a secure and equitable distribution of tokens.

Tier-Based Allocation Mechanism

At the heart of the token distribution is a multi-tiered allocation strategy, meticulously crafted to reward community members based on their OGLG token holdings and the exclusive OGLONG Satoshi Pass. OGLONG dynamically calculates each participant's rightful share of project tokens. This is not a static process but one that evolves with the community. A snapshot mechanism on the blockchain serves as the bedrock of this system, capturing a transparent and immutable record of token holdings. It ensures that the allocation is reflective of genuine community support, rewarding long-term holders and contributors with the prominence they deserve.

Authentication and Claim Initiation

Eligibility for token claims requires participants to provide a digital signature from their Bitcoin wallet, serving as cryptographic evidence of their ownership. This procedure allows for a secure authentication process, safeguarding the privacy and security of participants' assets.

UTXO Management for Token Distribution

The platform employs a specialized UTXO management system designed for the Bitcoin blockchain, optimizing the distribution process. This involves creating micro UTXOs inscribed with project tokens and efficiently transferring them to claimants, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly claiming experience.

Gas Fee Estimation and Optimization

OGLONG's innovative gas fee model accurately estimates the necessary BTC to cover network fees for transactions. This ensures that the token inscriptions and transfers are executed promptly and economically, enhancing the overall efficiency of the claim process.


Driven Governance and Evolution OGLONG places a strong emphasis on community governance, allowing project creators and OGLG holders to actively participate in shaping the tokenomics and claim procedures for new projects. This collaborative approach fosters a transparent and inclusive ecosystem.

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